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COVID-19 Statement

COVID 19 may have changed the world, but it has not changed our God. 


First Christian Church—Ponca City has faced the COVID pandemic with compassion for one another, concern for our staff, and a commitment to safety.  We have resumed in-house services on Sunday mornings at 8:15 and 11:00 a.m.  The live-streaming and replay of previously aired services continues as well.  Those who are health-compromised or do not feel now is the time to return to in-house worship are encouraged to access these services.
Our offices are open for all your congregational needs; however, the building remains locked to reduce foot traffic.  We are currently serving a modified Friendship Feast menu and the children have returned to Wee Care.  Small group meetings in our building have also resumed. 
We recognize the severity of this situation and our Council continues to monitor current local and state trends to determine when schedule or building use changes need to be made.  Because the transmission of the COVID-19 virus persists, all those who enter or use our facilities are encouraged to care for others by monitoring their own behaviors. 


Remember, God does not care where we are when we praise Him and prayer has no long distance fees! 


Stay safe!


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