First Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
Sojourners Class
Tuesdays at 4pm
(via ZOOM)
A combination of singles and couples, Sojourners are forward thinking Christians exploring the nature of God and the teachings of Jesus. Doubts, curiosity, and questions, along with personal joys and concerns are regularly aired and shared.
Our weekly topics range from secular to biblical, and it may take us several Sundays before we move to another, usually quite different, topic. We enjoy digging into the context behind the scriptures plus look toward new thought and interpretations of bible stories and parables. And we also enjoy a couple of weeks of watching an old movie and bringing out the bits that propel us deeper into the meanings of life.
Whenever we gather, we strive for respect toward differing perspectives and life experiences. Service to others enlivens our lives. Our members actively participate in Friendship Bikes, Friendship Feast, Habitat for Humanity, and tutoring reading at Lincoln Elementary. Our class has also initiated and supported other service projects both locally and internationally.
Frequently, we eat together and always find some light-hearted camaraderie. We always, always have room for new people, new ideas, and laughter.